The webinar will introduce the concept of tokenization and present some Nordic players in the field. The actual benefits of tokenization to real estate developers will be explained and concrete examples of tokenized real estate projects will be presented.
Tokenization refers to the process of representing real estate assets as tokens on the blockchain. Similar to bitcoin, it enables real estate assets to be freely issued, sold, transferred, and traded in a fully digitized manner. It may potentially enable real estate developers to more easily finance their projects from new types of investors and it will greatly enhance the liquidity of real estate investments through online marketplaces. Tokenization also holds the promise of “democratization” by giving retail investors access to real estate investments with much smaller ticket sizes – EUR 1,000 instead of EUR 100,000.
14:00-14:05 – Welcome, Jakob Stoumann, Hub Director at PropTech Denmark
14:05-14:35 – Claus Skaaning, DigiShares: General introduction to real estate tokenization
Claus is CEO of DigiShares, a Danish company that provides a white-label turn-key platform for tokenization of real estate assets, supporting the full lifecycle of these. Claus will give a high level introduction to blockchain and tokenization to enable anyone to understand how it works and what are the benefits
14:35-14:55 – Ed Nwokedi, RedSwan CRE: Tokenization and Cryptocurrency Provide new Solutions for Real Estate Capital Markets
Ed is Founder and CEO of RedSwan CRE, a Commercial Real Estate tokenization platform and marketplace for digitized real estate asset-backed securities. Ed will speak of his experienced in the field and cover some of RedSwan’s already completed projects.
15:00-15:15 – Tuukka Korolainen, CEO, APK-Kiinteistöt Oy: Tokenizing a single asset real estate company in Finland
15:15-15:40 – Graeme Moore, Head of Tokenization, Polymath: Future Visions for Tokenization